Workspaces for Meta now supports new safety options for automation to avoid accidental archive for automatic campaign updates at feed refresh. This option will give you more peace of mind that no one unintended archive will be performed by Workspace if your feed gets corrupted or wrongly edited at refresh.
"Never let items get archived automatically" option
In campaign blueprint level, under "Automation control options", when you select as campaign automation behavior "Republish campaign automatically with every feed refresh" you can now set up for each level campagin, ad set, ad the option to never let an item to get archived automatically at feed refresh. Just select the right option for you and it'll be autoapplied for next feed refresh (no need of publishing the change).
When feed refreshes and any item or their parent at the chosen level would get archived, Workspace processing will stop and no change will be performed at any level. For example if you select that no Ads should be archived, no Campaign, Ad sets and Ads will be archived automatically. If you select that no ad sets should be archived, then Ads will be archived according to your feed update, but Ad Sets archive will stop Workspace processing of that campaign blueprint.
Please keep in mind that if Workspaces find any item that would be archived against your settings, the entire tree in the campaign blueprint won't be processed at that time which means no archivals but also no automatic edits. So if campaign blueprint is linked to multiple automated campaigns, ad sets and ads, all campaigns and children will stop processing if any item of those campaigns will cause archive against your chosen settings. For this reason we require you to add at least an email (personal or e.g. Slack channel) so that you can get notified. You can also see in Processing log the stopped processing entry due to archive that were not performed.
Even if a processing get stopped. Workspace will try at next run to perform the update again. If at next automatic feed refresh, the feed content won't cause any archive, your Campaign(s) will be reprocessed correctly. Otherwise, you can see in Review Stage (or ask Support help) what changes would cause archive and fix the feed or manually approve the archive by going to Review Stage and Publish.
Tip To read more about Automation control options, see Meta campaign settings, and for information about Automation processing and archive logic, see Automation processing logic in Meta.
Automation control options do not need Publish anymore to make them effective
Together with this update, now to edit any settings in the Automation control card you do not need publish to make your choice effective anymore. Just select your options in UI and they'll be immediately effective.
This change was done based on users' feedback: some users would forget to publish such an edit in order to make it effective or they couldn't publish as they didn't want to perform other campaign changes to Meta.