Supported ad formats
Here's a quick overview of the Snapchat ad formats supported by Smartly.
See more information on the ad formats in Snapchat's help, including examples and requirements for each ad format.
Ad format | Description | Smartly support |
Single Image or Video Ad
A full mobile screen single image or video media, dimensions 1080 x 1920 pixels.
Full support
Story Ads
1-20 single image or video ads, combined with a tile. Story Ads are delivered between content and the tile is shown in Snapchat's Discover section. Tapping the tile shows the user the first image or video ad. Swiping to the side lets the user see more of the single image or video ads. Note that 7-day click optimization doesn't support Story Ads on the Snapchat side. |
Full support
Collection Ads
A combination of a single image or video ad and three or four thumbnails. Tapping the thumbnails can take the user directly to product pages. |
Full support
Filters are artistic overlays that appear after you take a Snap and swipe left or right.
Duplicate ads and create new ads with existing creative from the Snapchat Creative Library. Cannot create new media.
AR Lenses
A powerful and memorable way to connect with consumers using augmented reality. Create memorable, interactive moments that Snapchatters can play with and send to friends. Note that 7-day click optimization doesn't support AR Lenses on the Snapchat side. |
Duplicate ads and create new ads with existing creative from the Snapchat Creative Library Cannot create new media.
In addition, you can create Snapchat ads as regular static adds, or as dynamic ads with the help of a catalog.
Each ad can also have an attachment. The attachment defines what happens when the user taps on the ad, for example, whether the user is taken to a website or an app. The three main attachment types are Website, App Install and Deep Link
Commercial ads
"Commercial" is a special version of a Single Video ad. They are non-skippable if they're under 6 seconds long. Up to a three-minute "Extended Play Commercial" is skippable after the first 6 seconds. You enable commercials in the ad set settings, and they're restricted to certain countries.