What is the correct format for metric names?
Metric names can only contain alphanumeric characters (letters A-Z both upper and lower case, and numbers 1-9) and underscores (_).
Is it possible to use multiple views for Google Analytics?
No, at the moment it's not possible to use multiple views at the same time with our integration.
What if I do not see data in Google Analytics?
In case of Facebook integration, check that you do see the respective metrics on Smartly side. If the data is present in Smartly, it must be present also in Google Analytics, since we download the data from Google side, not the other way around.
This means that you may not be using correct filter in your report: try adjusting it.
For other platforms or in case if there is no Google Analytics data on Smartly side as well, the situation is a bit more complex (and outside of Smartly's control), but if simplified, it can be related to your setup of UTM tags or changes done to them recently.
Google has a certain logic (refer this flowchart) of attribution of a session to respective "report", and if some UTM tag is missing or "corrupted", it may affect the attribution. We recommend checking the setup, to ensure that proper values are being used (a very frequent issue is using wrong case, for example "Facebook", instead of "facebook" (which is default on Smartly). While checking the setup, it may be useful to refer to this article on Google side.
Frequent changes to UTM tags may also affect the number on Google Analytics greatly, because they may result in invalidating of existing sessions. Generally, a one-time change should result only in slight drop, but if doing several consecutive changes may have a more significant impact. We recommend learning some basics on how Google Analytics works with sessions and about respective timeouts in this article.
Note, though, that even if you have "bad" UTM tags setup, that will not affect actual performance of the ads, but only the data on Google side. As such we advise not to rely on Google Analytics data alone, when measuring performance of the ads (especially, since some differences are expected).