Step 1: Prepare your website, pixel and SDK
Make sure your website Snapchat Pixel or app's SDK is sending events that are required for dynamic ads. Check out Snapchat guide for installing the pixel and for required events for the pixel.
Step 2: Check that you have needed permissions and assets
To run Snapchat dynamic ads, you need a business account and an ad account. Go to to check that you have set up the accounts.
Also make sure you have needed permissions to create and update catalogs and to launch campaigns. For more information on the permissions, see Snapchat help center.
Step 3: Prepare your product feed
Next, prepare a data source you can use for updating the catalog: create a product feed that meets Snapchat's requirements and has the needed fields.
Step 4: Set up a catalog
In, set up a Snapchat catalog. You can have multiple catalogs per Snapchat Organization.
If you have already created a catalog outside, it has to be claimed to in order to use all features, such as Image Templates.
Consider also enabling Catalog feed processing error alerts.
Step 5: Create an Image Template
In, create an Image Template to use your assets (images, logos, and overlays) and to make your ads stand out in a creative and effective way.
Step 6: Add the Image Template to the catalog
When the Image Template is ready, add it to the catalog to use it in your Snapchat dynamic ads.
Step 7: Set up product sets
With product sets, you can group similar items in your catalog together and advertise them separately from the rest of the catalog. When you have a Snapchat catalog with a product feed, set up the product sets in Snapchat Business Manager.
Step 8: Connect the catalog to ad accounts
In order to use the Snapchat catalog for campaign creation in, you'll need to connect it to the Snapchat ad accounts you want to use it on in the ad account settings.
Step 9: Create a dynamic ads campaign
After completing all the previous steps, create and launch a Snapchat dynamic ads campaign in
Next steps
After launching the campaign, monitor its success and improve performance as needed. reporting tools help you analyze and track the performance of your dynamic ads campaigns. Consider also optimizing your campaigns.